Platinum $1000
Four Oil Changes
One Transmission Drain and Fill
One Coolant Drain and Fill
One Brake Flush
Front and Rear Diff Service
One Alignment
Tire Rotates
Fluid Top-Offs
One Tow within 10 mile radius of shop
*Price may vary depending on vehicle make and model
This membership has $1800 value and an annual savings of $800
Gold $650
Two Oil Changes
One Transmission Drain and Fill
One Coolant Drain and Fill
One Brake Flush
Tire Rotates
Fluid Top-Offs
*Price may vary depending on vehicle make and model
This membership has a $950 value and an annual savings of $500
Silver $300
Two Oil Changes
One Transmission Drain and Fill
Tire Rotates recommended twice per year No cost
Diagnostics No Cost
Fluid Top-Offs
*Price may vary depending on vehicle make and model
This membership has a $500 value and an annual savings of $300
Bronze $200
One Oil Change up to 5 quarts
Two Tire Rotations
Fluid Top-Offs
*Price may vary depending on vehicle make and model